On 6th May 2022, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) organized a consultation meeting to review two draft sub-decrees: Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (ABS) and Management of Greenhouse Gases Reduction Mechanisms. The event was chaired by H.E Tin Ponlok, Secretary of State of the MoE and the Second Deputy Chairman of the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) and the
main outcome of the meeting was the confirmation received from the participants to support approval of these sub-decrees. However, during the meeting, comments and additional inputs were received from the participants on issues such as the inventorial preparation of national genetic resources, intellectual property of genetic resources, and including traditional knowledge related to ABS. It was mentioned that the draft sub-decree on Management of Greenhouse Gases Reduction Mechanisms serves as a crucial policy contributing to green investments (clean energy, renewable energy, research, and technology transfer) and it is in line with the country’s commitments in terms of the UNFCCC and the sustainable development goals (SDGs). It was agreed that the participants will have one month time for their final review of the decrees and the approval of these decrees will be fast-tracked.