MECS - មេកស៍ is iDE’s micro enterprise that sells electronic cooking devices in rural and peri-urban Cambodian locations. MECS micro enterprise is a part of the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA)-Phase III. The overall objective of the project is to ensure equitable access to clean and safe cooking technologies for all Cambodian households. This will contribute to better health outcomes for women cooks and their families, reduce time and effort in the kitchen, benefit the environment and enhance Cambodia's climate change recovery.
Implemented by:
- National Councils for Sustainable Development
- Ministry of Environment
In collaboration with:
- IDE Cambodia Innovation Lab
- អេធិកឡជីវឧស្ម័ន - ATEC Biodigesters
- Nexus for Development
Funded by:
- European Union in Cambodia
- United Nations Development Programme - UNDP
- រដ្ឋាភិបាលស៊ុយអែត