Source: UN CC:Learn e-learning platform.

It’s official. In little more than 6 months the UN CC:Learn online Introductory Course on Climate Change has received close to 8000 registrations from all 195 countries that are party to the UNFCCC. The course is offered free of charge at above address.

“This success shows how important the issue of climate change is for countries all around the world. With the French and Spanish version planned for the coming year, we hope that the course will continue to spread knowledge on climate change to ever more people”, said Angus Mackay, head of the UN CC:Learn Secretariat.

The Secretariat, along with international partner agencies, is also working on other learning modules which will address sectoral subjects related to climate change, such as health. “These introductory modules, along with our advanced resource guides and our library of UN materials, are helping learners from around the world get access to the most relevant and up to date materials produced by the UN on climate change”, added Mr. Mackay.

UN CC:Learn is a partnership of 33 multilateral organizations which supports Member States in designing and implementing results-oriented and sustainable learning to address climate change. The Secretariat for UN CC:Learn is provided by UNITAR. An important aspect of UN CC:Learn is to support countries develop a National Climate Change Learning Strategy through a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder process. During the course of 2012-2013, Benin, theDominican RepublicIndonesiaMalawi, and Uganda are participating as UN CC:Learn pilot countries. Funding for UN CC:Learn is provided by the Swiss Government.

This free-of charge e-course will provide “everything you need to know” about the basics of climate change. It is structured around 6 Modules:

1. Climate Change Science
2. International Legal and Policy Framework for Climate Change
3. Climate Change Adaptation
4. Climate Change Mitigation and Low Carbon Development
5. Climate Change Finance
6. Planning for Climate Change

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