The General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (GSSD) has the honor to inform the public, national and international media, NGOs, relevant ministries/ institutions, and all stakeholders that the Department of Climate Change (DCC)/GSSD has developed and launched an online based NDC tracking system on the NCSD’s website “NDC Tracking:”
The recently submitted Cambodia's updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC, December 2020) sets a clear target for greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reductions of 64.6 million tCO2eq/year compared to a business-as-usual scenario by 2030 (41.7% reduction, of which 59.1% is from the Forestry and Other Land Use sector). The updated commitment includes 33 prioritized mitigation actions in seven sectors: energy, waste, industry, transport, agriculture, building and forestry and other land use (FOLU). It also includes 58 prioritized adaptation actions in agriculture, coastal zones, energy, human health, industry, infrastructure including roads, buildings, urban land use planning, livelihoods, poverty, biodiversity, tourism, and water resources sectors. In addition, 29 prioritized enabling actions were selected including education, gender, governance, information, knowledge sharing, policy, and planning related actions.
Through the Paris Climate Agreement adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris in 2015, Parties agreed to establish an enhanced transparency framework for the NDC implementation. The NDC tracking system being launched today is one of the key elements of this enhanced transparency framework to report on progress made by Cambodia in the implementation of the updated NDC commitments, contributing to global efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels.
The NDC tracking system includes a public summary page and an NDC management system in order for the ministries involved in the NDC contributions to tracking annual progress made. The datasets of the NDC tracking system will be updated annually and the information regarding the progress made in 2021 will be made available on the NCSD’ website early next year. The tracking system covers: 1) mitigation section, including the tracking of mitigation actions and GHG emissions; 2) adaption section, including the tracking of adaptation actions and the linkages to the existing vulnerability indicators; and 3) the enabling action section, including the tracking of finance; cross-cutting issues, knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP); and the existing readiness indicators. In addition, after the ongoing consultations with the key ministries, key sectoral indicators will be gradually added to the system.
The GSSD would like to thank its partners who have contributed to the development of the NDC tracking system, particularly the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance programme - phase 3 (funded by the European Union, Sweden, and UNDP), and the World Bank for their support to this process.