The role of the private sector in climate finance will become increasingly important as the country develops.
A study on “Promoting private sector contribution to the climate change response in Cambodia” has been conducted at the request of the Department of Climate Change (DCC), General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (GSSD) with support from the Cambodia Climate Change Alliance programme (CCCA).
The study, which has reviewed existing climate-related investments covering 65 companies, identifies a number of climate relevant programs and activities where the private sector is involved. These included:
- Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA);
- Reforestation, agro-forestry and sustainable agri-business and payment for ecosystem services (PES);
- Mangrove rehabilitation, inland conservation, sustainable aquaculture;
- Climate-related interventions aiming to ensuring sustainability of supply chain and adopting quality environmental standards in the manufacturing sector;
- Energy efficiency and energy consumption, including biomass energy, solar, and hydropower;
- Climate related waste and wastewater management, including 3Rs;
- Green Building and building code for low carbon emissions;
- Sustainable Transport;
- Eco Tourism/Green hotels;
- Households as consumers, including cooking, lighting, and individual transport.
The report analyzed opportunities and barriers for private sector investment in these areas, and provides specific recommendations to the Royal Government of Cambodia for the promotion of climate-smart investments. It will serve as a basis for ongoing dialogue between the National Council for Sustainable Development and the private sector.
Full study report and recommendations can be found at {phocadownload view=file|id=755|target=s}