Phnom Penh – 12 May 2014, the Climate Change Department of the Ministry of Environment with supporting from Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) organized a workshop on “Awareness Raising on Climate Change” to lecturers and under-graduated students approximately 300 participants (135 females). The objective of the workshop is to raise awareness on the causes and impacts of climate change, the national and international responses to its effects and climate change mitigation.
H.E. Sabo Ojano, Secretary of State of Ministry of Environment, said climate change is actually causing impacts to the globe, especially poor countries which lacks financial and human resources. Hence we all need to understand climate change and participate together to mitigate and adapt to the impacts so that we can develop our communities and society in the context of a changing climate. His Excellency also underlined the Royal Government effort through National Climate Change Committee and Ministry of Environment in addressing climate change through greenhouse gas emission reduction technology.
Mr. Tep Navuth, vice rector of the International University, underlined the necessity of the workshop to raise well understanding of climate change to all relevant sectors, especially to their lecturers and students who are the main actors contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation. He further thanks to H.E. Minister of Environment and Director and officials of the Climate Change Department and CCCA that provided updated knowledge on climate change for students and supported to organize this important workshop.
All lecturers and students put their high interest on climate change impacts to the national development – economic, society and environment – which required strong consideration from cross cutting sectors.
Knowledge on climate change were focused on 1) causes and impacts, 2) national and international responses, 3) climate change impacts and response in health sector, 4) climate change adaptation measures, and 5) mitigation options.