Battambang – 13th-14th November 2014, second workshop on Climate Change Mainstreaming into the Sub-National Level was organized by the Climate Change Department (CCD) of the Ministry of Environment under financial support from United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) to increase the understanding of climate change cause and impacts as well as present key tools for vulnerable reduction in commune/sangkat in order to mainstream climate change into sub-national planning development process in 5 provinces, Battambang, Siem Reap, Pursat, Kampong Chhnang and Banteay Meanchey.
Delivering his welcome remarks, H.E. Cheam Chansophorn, Deputy Governor of Battambang Province noted that Battambang has been suffering from the loss of 10,000 hectar of rainy rice and 5,000 hectar of crops while dry season has longer extended due to climate change impacts. He also suggests Ministry of Environment provide supports both finance either materials to Battambang Provincial Department of Environment. He furthered encourage the provincial department to have more closely cooperation with provincial NGOs and other stakeholders.
In his opening remarks, H.E. Sabo Ojano, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Environment, emphasized that the damages caused by climate change in 2013 worth 350 millon USD or 10% of the national budget. Therefore, Cambodia is necessary to implement Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014-2023 (CCCSP) which is the rigorous inputs and vision to properly response to climate change in Cambodia to develop the country towards a green, low-carbon, climate-resilient, equitable, sustainable, and knowledge-based society.
The event was divided into 2 main sessions. Session 1 focuses on climate change concept, including cause, impacts and response to climate change. Session 2 focuses on Vulnerable Reduction Assessment (VRA) tool including preparation, implementation and data analysis of VRA, applying scenario to develop climate change adaptation planning, planning development of VRA implementation at commune/sangkat level, climate change mainstreaming into commune/sangkat development plan and investment programme and district action plan, and monitor and evaluation the adaption projects.