One of the CCCA3’s research partnership grants entitled “Improving capacity on integrated coastal management with low impact development considering environmental sustainability and climate change in the coastal area of Cambodia (CLID)” has been implemented since September 2021.
The project, led by the ITC, aims to support the integration of best practices in low impact development with urban planning process through scenario evaluation platforms, workshops, and instruction materials that involve the participation of city planners, policymakers, practitioners, and citizens. The project activities including on-site data collection and as well as secondary data collection from different sources including relevant ministries and freely available datasets from global data are being conducted by the ITC and its research partners.
Between March and April, 2022, the RUA, one of the CLID project partners, conducted a baseline study including household survey, focus group discussions (FGDs), and key informative interviews (KII) with key stakeholders in four target provinces: Preah Sihanouk, Kep Kampot, and Koh Kong. The RUA is responsible for one outcome of the project - baseline reporting and dissemination workshop. During this stage of the research, four bachelor students of RUA attended the fieldwork and they will directly benefit from the CLID’s outputs and especially from the survey results of the four target provinces.
These students are expected to graduate by the end of the year. The tools and on-site data collections on the sea-level rise inundation map for coastal area and optimal urban land-use option as key recommendations for relevant urban planners, practitioners, policymakers, and local governors in the four provinces are being conducted by the ITC and its partners.