Siem Reap province, 28 May 2019: Department of Climate Change, as Secretariat of the Climate Change Technical Working Group, convened and coordinated Climate Change Technical Working Group (CCTWG) meeting to discuss key two priorities, including review and approval on mid-term review of Cambodia Climate Change Strategic Plan 2014 -2023 (CCCSP) implementation and 2. inputs on the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) road map, chaired by His Excellency Chuop Paris, deputy secretary general of the National Council for Sustainable Development and Chair of the Climate Change Technical Working Group, with a total of 22 representatives from ministries/agencies and key stakeholders.
Through the implementation of CCCSP over the past five years, the review found that this strategic plan is necessary and coherence with the national strategic plan and international convention, yet there are some constraints remaining, especially guidelines or tools for sectoral ministries to mobilize resources as well as the national climate change monitoring and evaluation indicators. Many recommendations were also identified to improve effective implementation, including adjustments to include demographic trends and socio-economic, economic and urbanization trends, geography, long-term, infrastructure and gender trends. It should also focus more on greenhouse gas mitigation, particularly the co-benefits activities/strategy and strategic mainstreaming climate change into planning and budgeting at the sub-national level.