Meeting on Cambodia’s Position Development for COP27
The COP27 will take place between 06-18 November 2022 in Sharm el Sheik, Egypt and it will bring together parties from around the world to advance the climate action to meet the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Given the far-reaching and cross-border impacts of climate change, it is imperative that the countries work together to address the climate crisis. Cambodia will participate in the COP27 in the Egypt in order to join hands with the international community and discussion themes of collaboration with the others.
In order to raise awareness and develop a comprehensive position for the upcoming meeting, the Department of Climate Change (DCC) of the General Directorate of Policy and Strategy (GDPS) conducted a meeting on the preparation of Cambodia's Position on 30th September 2022. The meeting aimed at presenting the key agendas of the COP27 as well as raise awareness of the invited delegates from the line ministries going to participate in the meeting. The Pre-COP meeting was presided over by H.E. Tin Ponlok, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Environment with the participation of the delegation from the MoE, relevant institutions, CCTWG members, private sector, representatives of sub-national level, 58 participants in total.
As a result, the participants expressed their appreciation and agreed on the draft position of Cambodia for the COP27, with a couple of additions in wording. The meeting discussed and collected further inputs and improved the draft to be more accurate and consistent in line with the global climate context and the development of Cambodia's economy, especially in line with its policies and strategies towards socio-economic growth and sustainable development.