CCCA team attended the project closing workshop, which was organized by the Prek Leap National Institute of Agriculture (NIA), funded by CCCA3’s grant. The purpose of this workshop is to: 1) Disseminate the project results and best practices, gained from project implementation; and 2) Discuss the challenges encountered and opportunities for project scale up. It should be noticed that the project has started since September 2020, and due to natural condition and the Covid-19, the project has been extended to 2023.
Under this project, two Hydraulic Ram Pumps have been installed: one was installed in the NIA’s compound – for the purpose of learning; and another one was installed in Treang Trayerng village, Kampong Speu province – for agricultural irrigation. It should be noticed that during this period, the final report is being developed; the project result is being measured – based on the baseline and endline data; the GHG reduction is being calculated - based on the actual results; and another final monitoring visit is being planned to verify the reporting vs the actual results.