From 14-16 August 2023, the CCCA3 team conducted the monitoring visit to the project: “Enhancing Climate Resiliency Through Strengthening MPA Management Effectiveness in Kampong Smach, Prey Nob District”, which is being implemented by the Coastal Development and Management Committee (CDMC ) of Preah Sihanouk, funded under the CCCA3’s Innovation Grant 2.
It can be acknowledged that the project has been implemented on track and with significant results such as the Establishment and strengthening a MFMA/MPA; the Protection and restoration of Mangrove Forest, the Capacity building for MFMA/MPA, and particularly the Initiating an Eco-Tourism.
Few activities are planned for next step as following,
• Completing the assessment of pilot eco-tourism roadmap
• Official launching MFMA
• Conducting a Management Effective Tracking Tool (METT)
• Conducting a project case study and evaluation
• Conducting a financial external auditing
It should be noted that the project period is 30 months, and it will be completed in Nov 2023.
On the last day of this monitoring activity, the CCCA3 team also attended the training on the "Eco-Tourism for Sustainable Future", which was chaired by the Provincial Deputy Governor and the CCCA3 Programme Manager.