The Department of Climate Change (DCC) of the General Secretariat of the National Council for Sustainable Development (GSSD) under the support of Cambodia Climate Change Alliance (CCCA) organized a meeting of the Climate Change Technical Working Group with the Development Partners “Validation of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Update” on 28th September 2020 at Hotel Cambodiana, Phnom Penh. The meeting was chaired by H.E. Tin Ponlok, 2nd Deputy Chairman of the National Council for Sustainable Development (NCSD) and Secretary of State, the Ministry of Environment (MoE) honored representative of H.E. Say Samal, Chairman of the NCSD and the Minister of the MoE with participation of representatives from line ministries/institutions and stakeholders, members of Climate Change Technical Working Group (CCTWG), development partners, NGO/CSOs, academia and private sectors, in totally participants 79 (22 females).
The meeting objectives were: (i) to present the proposed NDC update of Cambodia; (ii) to seek the clarification, verification, and approval on the results of the GHG inventory and the proposed mitigation actions as well as adaptation measures; and (iii) to validate the draft NDC update of Cambodia.
H.E. Tin Ponlok highlighted that the climate change impacts countries across the world, particularly in the least developed countries (LDCs) like Cambodia, which has low adaptive capacity, limited technical knowledge, limited resources and technologies to respond to climate change. He added that based on Climate Paris Agreement 2015, the international community including Cambodia which has agreed to hold the increase in the global average temperature well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels; to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels; to increase the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development. Therefore, each country has to submit its NDC to the UNFCCC Secretariat in every 5-year. The draft NDC proposed 2030 target without the FOLU sector is to reduce emissions by 37% which is a 39% increase in ambition over the first INDC commitment. The NDC update report not only shows Cambodia’s position in reducing GHG emission and adaption but also contributes to sustainable socio-economic development such as existing program/project such as REDD+ and renewable energy etc. He finally expressed his appreciation to line ministries/institutions, CCTWG members and development partners (UNDP, World Bank, FAO, UNICEF, GGGI, UN Women, etc.) for their contributions and efforts to prepare the important NDC update report process as well as provide input and comments the priority actions of each section and sector in order to achieve the prior workplan for CoP26 in UK 2021.
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