Siem Reap - Secretary General of the National Council for the Green Growth has provided welcome remarks and made a presentation on Cambodia’s experiences in mainstreaming climate change into the national policy development during the 3rd Regional Forum of USAID Adapt Asia-Pacific from 15 to 16 September 2014 in Siem Reap city. The Forum focuses on strengthening country systems to access and manage climate adaptation financing in asia and the pacific, and aims to raise awareness and share experiences on climate change financing
with more than 100 participants from 21 countries in Asia Pacific region and some development partners.
Climate financing is an important component of measures to respond to climate change, and a catalyst to encourage investment from public and private sector towards climate-smart solutions and help achieve the vision of building low carbon and climate resilient society. Currently, Cambodia is preparing the climate financing framework towards a readiness to attract and manage effective climate financing which are supported to response in the country.
Way forwards that Cambodia needs in order to strengthen the climate financing framework are the institutional arrangement at the national level, refinement and strengthening of the cost-benefit analysis of investments in the context of climate change, improvements in the tracking and analysis of climate finance through conducting annual reviews on climate expenditure, analysis on economic tools and instruments to incentivize private sector investments in CC adaptation as well as the designing and testing of climate financing/economics training modules for government officials. Global climate finance mechanisms are gradually becoming operational, with the Green Climate Fund expected to begin operations in 2015, targeting to mobilize budget of 30 billion U.S. dollars in the first year, and could reach 100 billion U.S. dollars in 2020.
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