On 8th February 2013, Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment under collaboration with Cambodia Climate Change Alliance and the NGO Forum organized a workshop to disseminate key outcomes of the 18th Conference of Parties of the United Nation Framework Convention on Climate Change (CoP18), which was conducted in Doha last December. The dissemination workshop was participated by around 100 key stakeholders from government institutions, development partners, Civil Society Organizations and media.
In the dissemination workshop, some of the key outcomes of Doha were highlighted by Cambodian delegations who attended the conference. The decisions include the launched of a new commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, the advancement of the completion of the new infrastructure to channel technology and finance to developing nations, and developed countries committed to deliver on promises to continue long term climate finance support to developing nations.
Also, representatives from Development Partners (EU) and Civil Society Organization (NGO Forum) respectively shared their perspectives on the CoP18 outcomes. The Sweden Embassy had shown positive view on the outcomes as a further step to reach ambitious climate change commitment. “The European Union and my own country, Sweden, therefore welcomed the agreement reached at the previous UN climate conference in Durban in 2011 as an historic breakthrough in responding to climate change....and the Doha climate conference took these steps further”, said Ms. Kristina Kuhnel, Head of Development Cooperation, Embassy of Sweden, in her welcome remarks.
In Doha, there was a commitment from developed countries in supporting climate change financing. The EU’s representative highlighted in her presentation that “EU and number of Member States announced climate finance envisaged in their respective 2013 budgets adding up to more than €5.5bn” said Ms. Fiona Ramsey, Head of Operations of the EU.
Even though some decisions were significantly made in Doha but to get a mutual agreement is still a struggle. Mr. Chit Samath, Executive Director, NGO forum addressed in his welcome remarks that “Civil Society Organization observed the hardship of the conference in getting a joined concept in maintaining the green house gas emission and the global warming”.
The dissemination workshop was actively participated by all participants and a number of recommendations were raised to ensure the effective climate change responds. At the same time, everyone was curious to follow the upcoming discussion in the 19th Conference of the Parties which will be held in Warsaw, Poland in late 2013.