The UN Climate Change Conference kicked off with inspiring calls to climate action in Lima, Peru which will last from 01-12 December 2014. “Voices for Climate” is a space in which Peru, as host country for the 20th Conference of the Parties (CoP 20), welcomes domestic and foreign visitors.
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The international climate event is attended by Country Parties and Observers, represented by their corresponding diplomatic missions and national delegations, observer organizations and accredited press, around 10,000 representatives. The Observer Organizations are made up of intergovernmental organizations (IGO), nongovernmental organizations (NGO) and agencies and bodies of secretariats of the United Nations, and specialized agencies related to it.
Likewise, Cambodia’s representatives lead by H.E. Sabo Ojano, Secretary of State of the Ministry of Environment (MoE) along with other 11 representatives from MoE’s Climate Change Department and MAFF’s Forestry Administration. Being a Non-Annex I country to the UNFCCC, Cambodia does not have any obligations under international agreements to engage in climate change mitigation, however the country is committed to low-carbon development, therefore, the Government has adopted the country’s positions enable to convince for stronger international commitment and more precise financial framework.
What is CoP? The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) entered into force in 1994, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. The Conference of the Parties (COP) was designated as the supreme governing body of the Convention. To date, 195 countries have submitted their instruments of ratification. These countries meet once a year, during two weeks, in order to evaluate the application of the Convention and develop the negotiation process between the Parties in front of new commitments.